Let's get started

Explore our curated sets of learning paths and choose which is best for you. Complete these courses at your own pace - our resources aren't going anywhere.

Hey there.
We're here to help.

Our incredible team is here to guide you every step of the way of learning the ins-and-outs of LineLeader. We're here to show you all of our favorite tips and tricks to navigating LineLeader, and making your life easier as an Administrator or Staff Member.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does training take a long time?

Not at all! Most teachers can complete training in about 60 minutes. Each of our courses have an estimated completion time to help teachers predict how much time they may need to make it through the material!

Do I have to complete all of the courses at once?

That is completely up to you! We have broken LearningPath for Teachers into six bite-sized courses. If you only have a few minutes to tackle a course, you can always come back and pick up where you left off. Alternatively, you can choose to complete all courses at once.

What if I need help with something that is not included in a course?

We're here to help! LineLeader certainly does have additional features that are not included in this course (yet!). The LineLeader Team is here to answer any questions you may have. You can check out our help center or email us at [email protected] with any specific questions!